Reviewer Guidelines

Instructions for Reviewers

All TPC members (except for special sessions chairs) are expected to bid for 5-10 papers they wish to review. After the bidding process is over, the papers will be distributed among TPC members. The special sessions papers will be assigned to the corresponding special session chairs and to at least one additional TPC member.

Please find below instructions for paper bidding and reviewing using EasyChair.

Paper Bidding:

  • Go to "Paper Bidding"
  • You should find the list of submitted papers
    • You can click on "details" to see the abstract
    • You can click on "PDF" to see the submission
    • For each paper you would like to place a bid, click on one of the four choices: yes, maybe, no, or conflict


Reviewing a paper:

  • Once the papers have been assigned to you, you can click on "Reviews->My Papers"
  • For each paper click on "add review" (you may also download an offline review form and then upload it in "Reviews->Upload Reviews")

Requesting an external reviewer:

  • Click on "Reviews->My Papers"
  • For each paper, you should click on "Show reviews"
  • Go to "Request Review"
  • Fill out and submit the review request form
    Note: Currently EasyChair only allows external reviewers to fill out an offline review form (sample). Please make sure to instruct your external reviewers to carefully read the review instructions in the invitation e-mail

Viewing the status of review requests:

  • Go to "Reviews->Reviewers"
  • You should see a list of previously made requests and a drop-down list that allows you to select papers for which you wish to make new requests for external reviewers