Smart cameras combine video sensing, processing, and communication on a single embedded platform. Networks of smart cameras are real-time distributed embedded systems that perform computer vision using multiple cameras. This new approach has emerged thanks to a confluence of simultaneous advances in four key disciplines: computer vision, image sensors, embedded computing, and sensor networks. Recently these visual sensor networks have gained a lot of interest in research and industry; applications include surveillance, assisted living and smart environments.
Although the distribution of sensing and processing in smart camera networks introduces several complications, we believe that the problems it solves are much more important than the challenges of designing and building such a network. This lecture introduces the underlying concepts of smart camera networks and presents selected applications. It covers topics such as architecture of smart cameras, embedded camera platforms, coordination and control of processing in smart camera networks, visual sensor networks and various applications.
Bernhard Rinner
His current research interests include embedded computing, embedded video and computer vision, sensor networks and pervasive computing. Bernhard Rinner has been co-founder and general chair of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras and has served as chief editor of a special issue on this topic in The Proceedings of the IEEE. Currently, he is Associate Editor for Ad Hoc Networks Journal and EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems. Together with partners from four European universities he has jointly initiated the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program on Interactive and Cognitive Environments (ICE).
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This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Useful Information and Additional Documents
- Porikli et al. Video Surveillance: Past, Present, and Now the Future. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3):190-198, May 2013.
- Special Issue on Distributed Smart Cameras. Proceedings of the IEEE 96(10). Oct. 2008
- H. Aghajan and A. Cavallaro (Eds). Multi-camera Networks: Principles and Applications. Elsevier. 2009
- B. Bhanu, C.V. Ravishankar, A. Roy-Chowdhury, H. Aghajan, D. Terzopoulos (Eds). Distributed Video Sensor Networks. Springer. 2011
- ACM/IEEE international Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)
Chapter 2: Smart Cameras
Useful Information and Additional Documents
- B. Rinner A short History of Smart Cameras - A personal perspective.
- M. Bramberger, A. Doblander, A. Maier, B. Rinner, H. Schwabach. Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras for Surveillance Applications.Computer. 39(2), pages 68-75, February 2006
- A.N. Belbachir(Eds). Smart Cameras. Springer. 2010
- B. Rinner, T. Winkler, W. Schriebl, M. Quaritsch, W. Wolf. The Evolution from Single to Pervasive Smart Cameras. In Proc. ACM/IEEE International Conf. on Distributed Smart Cameras. 10 pages. 2008
Chapter 3: Visual Sensor Networks
Useful Information and Additional Documents
- S. Soro and W. Heinzelman. A Survey of Visual Sensor Networks. Advances in Multimedia. 21 pages. 2009
- Lukas Esterle, Peter R. Lewis, Xin Yao and Bernhard Rinner. Socio-Economic Vision Graph Generation and Handover in Distributed Smart Camera Networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, ACM, pages 24, 2013 (to appear).
Chapter 4: Applications
Useful Information and Additional Documents
- Thomas Winkler and Bernhard Rinner. User Centric Privacy Awareness in Video Surveillance. Multimedia Systems, Springer, 18(2), pages 99-121, 2012.
- Thomas Winkler and Bernhard Rinner. Securing Embedded Smart Cameras with Trusted Computing. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article ID 530354, 20 pages, 2011.
- Markus Quaritsch, Karin Kruggl, Daniel Wischounig-Strucl, Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Mubarak Shah and Bernhard Rinner. Networked UAVs as Aerial Sensor Network for Disaster Management Applications.. e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 127(3) pages 56-63, 2010. Springer.
- UAV web site at Klagenfurt University